Spotlight was directed and co-written by Tom McCarthy, whose
previous credits include The Station Agent (2003) and The Visitor
(2007), both of which were lovely little cinema gems. (He also wrote and
directed the Paul Giamotti vehicle, Win Win (2011), which I have not
seen, but most everyone admired.) Spotlight
is a bigger deal, in part due to its greatly enhanced budget and star-laden
cast, but mostly because of its subject – the Pulitzer Prize winning
investigation by a team of Boston Globe reporters that exposed widespread child
abuse by Catholic clergy and the scandal of a decades-long, orchestrated
cover-up by the church hierarchy.

The movie is a near perfect drama, featuring a great and
true story, remarkable attention to detail - from the period clothing to the attitudes of the journalists, lawyers and even the victims; along with smart pacing and beautiful acting in an ensemble setting by a terrific cast. Spotlight
has been compared favorably to that other great investigative journalism film, All
the Presidents Men (1976), and I have read that newspaper journalists give
it high marks for accuracy and realism. All I can say, as a moviegoer, is that
it sure looked and felt real to me. We see the diligent hard work, the
brainstorming, the step-by-step piecing together of evidence, the strategy
sessions, multiple interviews, and the coming together of a story that shocked
the hardened journalists themselves. Between ten and twenty percent of Boston’s
more than 700 priests may have been involved.
The movie’s focus stays steadfastly on the investigation
itself; it is not sidetracked by reporters’ family troubles, romantic
interests, or other digressions.
I can't say enough good things about the actors. Liev
Schreiber (Ray Donovan [2013 - ]) plays
Marty Baron, the soft-spoken but steel-spined incoming editor of the Boston
Globe in 2001, an outsider with the guts to tackle a story that the community
seemingly did not want to hear. The Spotlight investigative team was headed by
"Robbie" Robinson, played here by Michael Keaton (Birdman
[2014]). Keaton is known for his intensity, and certainly brings this, but
without going over the top. He also credibly presents his character’s personal
and moral dilemmas. Robbie has a nose
for a good story and likes a good fight, but initially has well-founded concerns
about the profound shockwaves an investigation of the church will bring not
only his way, but to his newspaper and to his community as well. Rachel McAdam (Midnight
in Paris [2011]) portrays Sacha Pfeiffer, a persistent, seemingly tireless
reporter, with the kind of empathy that allows victims to share their stories
and open our hearts. McAdam can't help being pretty, but she has dressed down
for this part, and is in no way glamorous. Mark Ruffalo (The Avengers
[2012]) is Mike Rezendes, a passionate journalist, who becomes more and more
outraged as the scope of the problem and the venality as of the church
hierarchy comes increasingly into focus. I've not been a huge fan of Ruffalo in the
many movies in which he plays the sort of scruffy but cuddly love interest of
various actresses (Reese Witherspoon, Meg Ryan, Julianne Moore, etc.), but he
is not cuddly here – he is a revelation.

Still, although a true morality tale, Spotlight is
not a horror film. Rather it portrays a special kind of heroism, and is thus,
in a way, uplifting. And if you like well-made, well acted motion pictures, you
can’t do much better than this one.
Terrific movie. Seems to me (as a non journalist) that they got just about everything right. Wonderful acting; unlike you Len I'm a big fan of ruffalo, although perhaps I haven't seen him in some of the roles which in which he failed to impress you. Special shout out to Stanley tucci. Maybe I'm a fool for lawyers in movies, but the character felt spot on.