It’s the summer of 1983. The boy is Elio (Timothée
Chalamet, also featured in this season’s critically praised Lady Bird), a precocious
seventeen-year-old child in an accomplished, rather international family –
American father (Michael Stuhlgard), British-Italian mother (Amira Cazar) –
summering at their family estate in bucolic Northern Italy. It is a warm, lush
place abounding with beautiful, friendly people and gorgeous natural scenery. A
nice place to film a love story and a perfect place to fall in love.

One of the cool things about Call Me By Your Name is
the way that it treats Elio’s attraction to Oliver (and vice versa) as a
completely natural thing - not something shameful, tawdry, or particularly
unusual. None of the principal characters explicitly or implicitly suggests otherwise
– not even Elio’s parents. Even so, it’s 1983 and Oliver and Elio understand that
in the little Italian village nearby many folks would be disapproving of an
openly gay relationship – so they carefully avoid public kissing, hand-holding
or other displays of affection (an acknowledgement of religious and cultural
attitudes – not legal ones. Same-sex sexual practices have been legal
throughout Italy since the late 19th century).

What is unusual, in my experience anyway, is that the film
is about a boy’s sexual awakening. More
films than I can count have been advertised on the theme of a female’s sexual
awakening - no doubt appealing to the
prurient interest of male producers or directors who presume the public (or at
least teen boys and young men) will pay to see that sort of thing. But outside
the confines of so-called gay cinema, the first rousing of sexual love in a
young guy – particularly homosexual love – has been pretty uncommon in a
commercial film. Slowly, but clearly, the times they are a’changin’.
(I should note here that it is not at all clear in Call
Me By Your Name whether Elio or Oliver is gay or if one or both are bisexual. We know that both have been involved with the opposite sex. I’m not sure it matters.)
As I’ve already said, this picture is beautiful to watch. It
was shot entirely on location and the scenic locale surely helps: the deep blue of Lago de Garda; afternoon sun over a sparkling pond; bicycling through an ancient, colonnaded ochre and straw-colored village; young folks lounging on the grass by the villa pool, itself set against a lush green forest; casual family breakfast out on the tiled patio under a leafy bower; and so forth. Much credit is due to the director of photography,
Sayombhu Mukdeeprom, who was able to capture the golden Lombardy summer light
of these and other scenes so gloriously. The interior scenes initially look and
feel claustrophobic with the suppressed, burgeoning passion (and related
anguish) experienced by Elio, and then intimately erotic once this blossoms
into a fulfilled love. The feel and pace of the film as a whole is unhurried
and pleasantly langorous, allowing the story and the relationship to build bit
by bit.
Director Guadagnino considers Call Me By Your Name to
be the final segment of a trilogy of pictures commencing with I Am Love and A Bigger Splash. “What links these three films”, he says, “is the
revelation of desire.” In the first two, following desire resulted in some dark
and/or regrettable outcomes; but here the consequence is more positive. This
movie is a “beautiful acknowledgement of how you change when you love someone
positively”, Guadagnino adds.
Key to the movie’s success is the lovely, complicated
performance by Timothee Chalamet as Elio. It’s a difficult role, as Elio is a
complex character, whose circumstances and emotions are in a state of flux. He’s
a teen sullenly facing a summer away from his friends; he’s also an inquisitive intellect; a musical prodigy; and a cosseted only child; and as the action advances he struggles with a confusing newfound desire is flooded and nearly overwhelmed by love’s rapture; and eventually must face it’s loss. He embodies the character so completely, we believe Chalamet IS Elio It’s a far bigger and more challenging part
and a character totally removed from his pretentious “Kyle” in Lady Bird. Definitely an award-worthy
piece of work, it is worth seeing Call Me By Your Name for Chalamet
With all the above going for it, I must admit that I never
fully engaged with Call Me By Your Name on an emotional level. As I watched, I
always felt like an observer. I suspect that this has to do with Guadagnino’s
directorial style – as I felt similarly about the otherwise excellent I Am Love, too. I admired both movies, but I never fell all the way in with them. I
can’t quite put my finger on why this is.

A lesser flaw, but still an important one for me, has to do
with the music. Most of the soundtrack in Call Me By Your Name is great and
appropriate for the time, place and circumstances – including classical music
from composers like J.S. Bach, Eric Satie, Maurice Ravel, and John Adams. At
one point the pop/dance song “Love My Way”
by the Psychedelic Furs shows up, just right for the time and the situation (it
was an international hit in 1982). But director Guadagnino is also a big fan of
singer–songwriter Sufjan Stevens, and so chose to include three of his songs as
well, two of which were written expressly for the film. That was three too
many. Guadagnino says, “I think Sufjan’s songs add another voice to the film.
They are kind of like a narration without narration.” Therein lies the problem.
The “other voice” is not the director’s voice, nor the screenwriter’s voice. All
three songs felt totally out of synch with the film musically, lyrically and emotionally.
All three were jarringly off – thus interfering with the mood which had been
carefully constructed by the rest of the creative team. (Even the last one, called Visions of Gideon, which played over the
closing credits, was annoyingly anachronistic with its refrain of “Is it a
So it’s not perfect. That said, Call Me By Your Name is a
beautiful film that deserves to be seen: a lovely movie about falling heart and
soul in love, that fell a little short of grabbing my heart and soul.
2 hours 12 minutes
Grade B+
Currently in very limited
release; Opening in select additional theaters around the country December 22,
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