Blog Archive

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Best of 2012? What do you think?

As the year ends, everyone is making lists of the best/worst movies and performances of the year. I've still got a few more 2012 movies to see before I figure out what I'd say, and I'd love to hear from readers about your preferences for best picture (large or small), best performances,  best documentary, most significant, most affecting, etc.  And why you think so.

Don't forget the films from early in the year, such as Albert Nobbs, The Grey, Man on A Ledge, W.E., John Carter, etc. (Wow - the first quarter releases kind of sucked, huh?)

Posting here would be great; but if you're shy, feel free to reply "offline".

1 comment:

  1. You probably could've guessed this would be my answer: The Dark Knight Rises. Because Batman is awesome.

    I also thought The Grey was very interesting, and disappointed in its critical/ commercial reception. I'm blaming most of that on poor expectations management: most people walked into that movie expecting Liam Neeson from Taken fighting against a bunch of wolves.

    Other good ones were Looper, and The Avengers.

